Crowning Cupcakes

By on January 11th, 2008 . Filed under: Decorating .

These took me a second to fully appreciate. I was trolling through flickr, and I came across these darling little faces, and the photo was entitled ‘crowning cupcakes’. I stopped, thought about it… and realized those were BABIES crowning! How clever! Flickr user Crafty Beaver says they were a hit at a baby shower she attended.

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8 Responses to Crowning Cupcakes

  1. slush

    Im not sure if thats clever, or slightly disturbing.. its something, thats for sure.

  2. Tattooed Mama

    oh. my. god.


  3. allie

    OH.MY.GOD. there’s nothing else to say. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!

  4. Carrie Sue

    So, I am guessing the mom-to-be was a blonde?

  5. Rachel

    Much more fun than the usual baby shower desserts!

  6. sugarhighchic


  7. Ambjer

    Cute…and gross.
    Haha. Definitely a unique idea!

  8. PrissyCook

    Okay…there’s acceptable…there’s edgy…then there’s vigina cupcakes.

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