All Things Cupcake News
By cupcake girl on December 6th, 2007 . Filed under: News .First things first, by Saturday (or late this evening) you will be able to access this site by going to! The original blogspot url that brought you here will also work as well.
ATC is now part of the Martha Stewart Network. We have been accepted into Martha’s Circle. See that lovely rotating ad on the right of this post? It is part of the new Martha Stewart ad network. Exciting, I must say. “Martha’s Circle — a collection of exceptional lifestyle sites and blogs handpicked by our editors — is the most reliable and efficient way to extend your campaign and interact with passionate, quality-minded consumers in a niche environment they trust and treasure.”
and Last but not least, ATC will be launching a new layout very soon. Keep your eyes open!
That’s all the exciting news for now.